Project Description

I built this 2D plotter as an exploration of the  CoreXY Cartesian motion system. The frame is made from four 3′ sections of aluminum extrusion, the sliders are inexpensive LMU88 linear bearings, and red plastic parts are all printed on a custom built A-101 based on the OS design by Lulzbot. Control is run through an Arduino Uno running opensource firmware Grbl with modified kinematics for CoreXY. All of the CAD files for the plotter are hosted on Github:

The geometric patterns in the following video are based on the Lindenmayer system for describing fractals. I wrote code in Processing to generate the necessary g-code to control the plotter. This code was inspired and adapted from Daniel Shiffman’s Nature of Code (Chapter 8).

More test drawings are shown below. The drawings of Nikola Tesla and the North Carolina State University Memorial Bell Tower were based on the methods outlined in this tutorial.