
Autoclave Thermometer


This project was completed during a two-semester sequence within the Engineering Entrepreneurs Program at North Carolina State University. During these courses, an interdisciplinary team is tasked with identifying and solving a real-world problem. The first semester is used largely for ideation and market analysis. During the final semester each team builds [...]

Southern Methodist University


During the summer of 2009, I performed research at Southern Methodist University through the National Science Foundation's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program. Working in Dr. Radovan Kovacevic's Research Center for Advanced Manufacturing, I helped develop components for an electron beam welding/plasma window system. Electron beam welding uses a stream of high velocity electrons to fuse two pieces of [...]



Skycam was one of the first home projects I designed after buying a 3D printer. This skycam for my apartment was modeled after the cable-driven camera systems commonly used in sports stadiums. The system uses four stepper motors, Easy Driver - Stepper Motor Drivers, and an Arduino Uno to extend and retract four spools of string. A [...]

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