This cloth simulator is an assignment from CS 5643: Physically Based Animation for Computer Graphics , a graduate course at Cornell taught by Dr. Doug James. This project models a piece of cloth using “Position Based Dynamics” (PBD) as described by Muller et al. (2006). Simulations run in real-time on a desktop computer allowing the user to [...]
Leaf Venation
bryan2017-05-22T20:55:22+00:00This work is a final project from CS 5643: Physically Based Animation for Computer Graphics, a graduate course at Cornell taught by Dr. Doug James. This work simulated leaf venation patterns using algorithms described by Runions et al. (2005). A 2D simulation is developed in JAVA, using the Processing library for visualization. Code is available on Github: Source: Code Simulations Examples simulations [...]
3D Rolling Disc
bryan2017-09-14T18:18:42+00:00I developed this 3D simulation of a rolling disc as my final project for MAE 6700: Advanced Dynamics, a graduate course at Cornell taught by Dr. Andy Ruina. This is a general solution based on rigid body dynamics, assuming a no-slip condition for the contact between the disc and the ground. I have outlined my [...]
Position Based Fluids
bryan2017-05-22T20:55:22+00:00This Position Based Fluid simulator is an assignment from CS 5643: Physically Based Animation for Computer Graphics , a graduate course at Cornell taught by Dr. Doug James. This project as an implementation of "Position Based Fluids" (PBF) as described by Macklin and Muller (2013). Source: Code Results